Clinical Oversight

Optimized Clinical Oversight by OptimizedRx is essential for promoting safe and appropriate medication use, optimizing health outcomes, and managing costs within a healthcare plan.

We ensure safe, effective, and cost-efficient medication use.

Formulary Management

Preferred medications that are selected based on their safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.

Prior Authorization

Safe and prudent process to make sure requests for medications especially very expensive ones are medically necessary and appropriate.

Drug Utilization Review (DUR)

We analyze prescription drug claims data to identify patterns of potentially inappropriate medication use, such as drug interactions, overutilization, or underutilization. Our clinical oversight ensures appropriate interventions are taken when necessary.

Therapeutic Interchange

We may promote therapeutic interchange, which involves switching a patient from one medication to another within the same therapeutic class based on clinical judgment and cost considerations.

Clinical Programs

Optimized clinical programs are aimed at improving medication adherence, managing chronic conditions, and preventing adverse drug events. Clinical oversight involves designing, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of these programs.

Drug Safety Monitoring

Monitoring for drug safety involves staying updated on emerging safety concerns, adverse drug reactions, and recalls. Optimized Clinical oversight ensures timely communication of relevant safety information to prescribers and patients.

Clinical Decision Support

Clinical decision support tools to healthcare providers, such as drug interaction checkers and dose optimization suggestions. Optimized clinical oversight involves ensuring the accuracy and relevance of these tools.

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